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The Landes­amt für Den­k­malp­flege und Archäo­lo­gie with the Museum of Pre- and Ancient His­tory issues its own sci­entific and pop­u­lar pub­lic­a­tions and seri­als.

For example, pub­lished since 1953, the annual pub­lic­a­tion of the Museum of Pre­his­tory and Early His­tory of Thuringia, Alt-Thürin­gen.

Mean­while, more than 40 volumes include the Wei­mar mono­graphs for Pre­his­tory and Early His­tory.

Finally, the State Office pub­lishes the Archae­olo­gical hik­ing of Thuringia.

Inform your­self about the extens­ive range!
