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Museum of Pre- and Ancient History

Hum­boldtstraße 11
99423 Weimar

Opening Hours

Monday closed
(Stu­dent groups on appointment)
Tues­day 9 am‑6 pm |
Wed­nes­day – Fri­day 9 am – 5 pm
Sat­urday | Sunday | Hol­i­days 10 am‑5 pm


+49 · 36 43 | 818–331 – Tickets

Ticket prices

Adults € 3,50
reduced € 2,50
Fam­il­ies € 6,00
Stu­dents € 1,00
Guided tours € 30,00

Free admis­sion and tours for school classes.


Thürin­gen­card (free admission)
Wei­mar­card (free admission)

Museum Guide & Floor Plan

Our floor plan shows you the way into the museum and through the per­man­ent exhib­i­tion. Take a look at our museum guide before you start your visit!

Cloakroom and Valuables

Lock­ers can be found in the foyer where bags and valu­ables can be securely stored dur­ing your visit. The museum accepts no liab­il­ity for items placed in lockers.

Audio Guide

Whether you have two  hour, the audio guide helps you make the most of your visit. With the aid of our audio-guide, you can dis­cover 400,000 years of his­tory for your­self. Find out more about the Museum’s most pop­u­lar objects  – it’s up to you.
The guide is included in the price of your ticket and avail­able in Ger­man, Eng­lish, simple lan­guage and for blind people in audiodescription.


We offer a wide vari­ety of tours cater­ing to a range of interests and age-groups. We request that you make prior arrange­ments for your tour. Our guided tours are in ger­man lan­guage. More inform­a­tion.

Getting Here and Parking

show lar­ger map

On foot …

The museum is cent­rally loc­ated on the south­ern edge of the his­toric centre of Wei­mar at 11 Hum­boldtstrasse. In close prox­im­ity to the Goethe House and the his­toric cemetery at Poseckscher Garden, the museum is quickly and eas­ily reached on foot. We are less than 5 minutes from Frauen­plan, and less than 10 minutes from Markt, Theater, or Goethe Squares.

By Car & Parking …

… we recom­mend that you fol­low the Wei­mar Park­ing Sys­tem signs to “Tiefgar­age am Goeth­ehaus” (Under­ground Gar­age, Goethe House). There you will find ample park­ing. From the park­ing gar­age, cross the nearby Wie­land Square to reach Hum­boldtstrasse and you will find the museum 150m along that street. There are also a lim­ited num­ber of paid park­ing spaces in Humboldtstrasse.

By Bus or Train …

For inform­a­tion on how to get to Wei­mar we recom­mend the Deutsche Bahn web­site. From the main sta­tion you can take buses on Routes 1, 5, 6, or 8 towards the centre of the city and get off at the Wieland­platz stop. This stop is at the corner of Wie­land Square and Hum­boldtstrasse and the museum is loc­ated 150m along Humboldtstrasse.

Tour Buses …

… have no prob­lem find­ing park­ing in Weimar.
Tour com­pan­ies can find inform­a­tion about recom­men­ded park­ing areas on the City of Wei­mar web­site. For minibuses there is the pos­sib­il­ity of reserving a park­ing place dir­ectly in front of the museum sub­ject to prior arrange­ment. Please be aware that space is limited.

By Bike to the Museum …

Wei­mar is on the Ilm Cyc­ling Route and is also part of the Cit­ies of Thuringia Cyc­ling Route. Why not include a visit to the museum in your next bike tour? As part of the tour you could also visit some of the sites included in the ‘Traces of the Ice Age in Thuringia’ pro­gramme, like Wei­mar-Ehrings­dorf for example!


How did the Stone Age people lived? (Foto: M. Lawrence)

Together, you can discover archaeological treasures from 400,000 years of history.

Our museum is excel­lently suited for a visit with the whole family.
From the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, the exhib­i­tion shows the daily life of our ancest­ors. Have you ever touched a hand-ax? What can be read from bones? How did a primeval Lance?

Unique, ori­ginal finds, fas­cin­at­ing mod­els, life-size recon­struc­tions, and mul­ti­me­dia install­a­tions will take you on a jour­ney through the his­tory of Thuringia. From the dawn of human­ity, through the Stone Age and sub­sequent cul­tures and into the Middle Ages, his­tory is brought to life.


Ticket prices for fam­il­ies € 6

Tips for Visiting
with Family

Chil­dren espe­cially love the Stone Age

Audio Guide
Whether you have two  hour, the audio guide helps you make the most of your visit. Find out more about the Museum’s most pop­u­lar objects  – it’s up to you. The guide is included in the price of your ticket and avail­able in Ger­man, Eng­lish, simple lan­guage an for blind people in audiodescription.

For Younger Children
Right next to the museum there is a play­ground - sur­roun­ded by a park. 

Food and Drink
You can have a pic­nic in the court­yard of Museum or in the park right next to the museum. In the museum there is a vend­ing machine with drinks and sweets. The old town cen­ter with many cafes and res­taur­ants is only a few minutes away.



Ausstellungsbesucher, Foto: H. Arnold

Welcome to the Museum of Pre- and Ancient History!

As a group you can discover the exhibition on your own.
But you also have other options…

Guided tour
If you wish a guided tour, we offer a wide vari­ety of tours cater­ing to a range of interests and age-groups. We request that you make prior arrange­ments for your tour.
Guided tours are offered in Ger­man lan­guage.

For book­ing a guided tour please con­tact us:

+49 · 36 43 | 818–331 – Tickets

Audio Guide
Whether you have two  hour, the audio guide helps you make the most of your visit. With the aid of our audio-guide, you can dis­cover 400,000 years of his­tory for your­self. Find out more about the Museum’s most pop­u­lar objects  – it’s up to you.

The guide is included in the price of your ticket and avail­able in Ger­man and Eng­lish. We can provide audio guides for up to ten people.

ticket prices

Adults € 3,50
reduced € 2,50
Fam­il­ies € 6,00
Stu­dents € 1,00
Spe­cial tours € 25,00

Free admis­sion and tours for school classes.

Top­ics and guided tours for groups

Get­ting Here and Parking


Museum zum Anfassen - Angebote für Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen, Foto: M. Lawrence
With all your senses… Pre­his­tory to touch, Foto: M. Lawrence

is for us a matter of course!

We do everything we can to make our exhib­i­tion and other ser­vices access­ible to all visitors.

Museum entrances
Bar­rier-free access from Hum­boldtstraße and also from Amalienstraße.

Tour of museum
The tour of the museum is mostly access­ible for wheel­chair users. Our staff will help you to access the museum. We kindly ask wheel­chair users to call our vis­itor ser­vice to help.

Lift and access to per­man­ent exhibition
All floors of the per­man­ent exhib­i­tion are access­ible through elev­at­ors suit­able for wheel­chairs but also for blind people (tact­ile desk). 

Access­ible toilets
There are access­ible toi­lets in the ground floor.

Dis­abled parking
There are a lim­ited num­ber of park­ing space avail­able for dis­abled vis­it­ors to the Museum. Please con­tact us in advance (03643 – 818 330 or

People with hear­ing impair­ments can use the audio-guides (induc­tion loop), we also offer a tour guide sys­tem and  an audi­oguide for visu­ally impaired people in audio description.

More detailed access­ib­il­ity inform­a­tion can be found here under the but­ton “Bar­ri­ere­freiheit”  …

Information and Consultation

Museum Edu­ca­tional Service

+49 · 36 43 | 818–331 – Tickets


After visiting the museum you wish to purchase a souvenir or a gift?


Then look around at the store  – directly in our house or online!

Besides a selec­tion of lit­er­at­ure the shop offer post­cards, chil­dren’s toys, rep­licas of archae­olo­gical finds, hand­made glasses and much more…

The museum shop is loc­ated on the ground floor.

Visit the shop online

Selec­tion of products
